Airlander 10: World's 'largest' aircraft unveiled

Airlander 10 has been revealed. It is about 93 metres long, and currently holds the title for the largest airplane ever. It is currently situated in Bedfordshire in a First World War hanger. It is a hybrid of part airship – part plane and is 15m bigger than the largest passenger planes. It’s inaugural flight will happen in the latter half of 2016.

The project was first taken up by the United States of America. It was purposed to be a surveillance air craft, but soon, owing to cutbacks, the project fell out of favour with the American Government.

History of Airlander 10

It was acquired by a British firm, aptly named as HAV (an acronym for Hybrid Air Vehicles) which started a campaign for the flight of this wondrous aircraft. It is currently carrying out testing from the ground. The ship, once completed, will be able to provide leisure flights.

The aircraft has amazing dimensions, and has enough helium in it to fill more than fifteen swimming pools which has Olympic standards ,that is not the primary instigator of interest in this aircraft. It has a very peculiar shape, and that caught the public’s eye. It is shaped like a posterior. Yes you read that correctly, the world’s largest aircraft, is shaped like a posterior. Photoshop users have went nuts over this picture, with some users editing the photo to resemble the bottom of Kim Kardashian. An unfortunate coincidence, which I hope they’ll make up for, in the next model.

Uses of such a model Despite the uncanny resemblance, the craft had a hover test, which proved to be really successful. This coupled with the fact that it makes very little noise, and contributes very little to atmospheric pollution, it could be the new model, ahem, new model with slight alterations, that will soon dominate the skies. The date of the first launch into the air (outside the bunker where it is currently situated) is not revealed to the public, but it is known that the aircraft will flow only in and around a one hundred and twelve kilometre radius. The success of the first test drive will be the proving grounds that decide whether this will go into production or not.

How it works

As for the physics behind the aircraft, it is filled with helium, which is lighter than air, and up to sixty % of its life can be achieved aerostatically. It is also theorized that that because Airlander 10 is wing-shaped, it could achieve the remaining forty % of it lift aerodynamically.

Airlander 10 has a function to drift above any surface, a function that could have many civilian and military uses. It also has the ability to stay in the air for more than a fortnight, going at an average speed of ninety miles per hours. It is also theorized that it can travel a couple of thousand metres. Airlander 10 could be the future of aircrafts, but to say that statement with certainty, we have to know how the first test flight will go.

Published : May 7 2016