Elon Musk is researching the dangers of AI

Those last few years technology has been evolving with extremely high rates and each step allows scientists to make an even bigger step than before. Soon humanity will start making leaps and things will begin to develop so quick that we might find ourselves against the consequences of our technology without being prepared. And what a coincidence that recently – only a few days ago – a worker lost his life due to an accident where a robot crushed him (click here, to read the whole article).

In other words, technology is certainly exciting and it inspires men to innovate by giving them the tools to create new things and ideas. But at the same time it can be dangerous and since everything comes with a cost, we should be aware of the dangers that AI may hide. Lucky for us, there is a man called Elon Musk who is researching those dangers to prevent them from coming true.

Elon Reeve Musk is a South African-born, Canadian-American business magnate, engineer, inventor and investor. He is the CEO and CTO of SpaceX, CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors and chairman of SolarCity. (source: Wikipedia).

Elon has made clear in the past his concern about artificial intelligence, but now he decided to take things a step further by investing money on a research about it.

In more details, Elon Musk, through the Future of Life institute gave 7 million dollars on a research about the potential dangers or negative effects that the further development of AI may have. 37 research teams will take that amount, as they will work on a wide range of issues that occur from the rise and consolidation of artificial intelligence.

Also, a part of that money comes from the direct investment (which reaches the amount of 10 million dollars) that Elon Musk has made for the research of the dangers that today’s AI hides.

He is for once again, at the edge of artificial intelligence, and it seems that he wants to play a big role through his many initiatives on the rising field of advanced machined that can think on their own. Future of Life Institute’s philosophy is not to call the companies to reduce the progress they make on the field of AI, but to secure and guarantee the safety of everyday life, on this new world of advanced technology that is coming.

The bigger investment between the two mentioned above, will be given in a time period of 3 years, while the different projects are expected to begin this September.

What the researchers will find, may be stunning, or it may be nothing of great importance. Either way, it is very positive that One man decided to help (and he did a lot) on a research that could turn out to be crucial for the future advanced technology on the field of AI. As a matter of fact, it is great even to invest money on any kind of research.

This research will surely take from months to years to be completed but along the process we might hear from it again. Until then, stay tuned to read all the latest news on this and many other hot topics!

Published : Oct 9 2015