Devon Bostick

Who is Devon Bostick? How old is Devon Bostick?

Devon Bostick is a Canadian actor best known for playing the lead role of Simon in the film Adoration, a charming movie about two childhood friends and neighbors that fall for each other’s sons that was based on Doris Lessing’s book, The Grandmothers. Devon Bostick was born on November 13, 1991, in Toronto, Canada. Both of Devon’s parents are in the film industry, his father, Joe Bostick, is an actor and film flight coordinator, and his mother, Stephanie Gorin, is a casting agent. Devon began acting at the age of five and is a graduate of the Etobicoke School of the Arts in Toronto.

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At the young age of twenty seven, Bostick already has over thirty film credits to his name including appearances in The Poet (2007), Adoration (2008), Saw VI (2009), Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010), The Art of the Steal (2013), and Being Charlie (2015). He also has several television appearances in such shows as Degrassi: The Next Generation, The Border, Flashpoint, The Good Germany, Roxy Hunter and the Horrific Halloween, and Rookie Blue. Many consider Devon’s most notable television role to be his portrayal of Leo Strange on Canadian television’s Being Erica, a comedy-drama created by Jana Sinyor.

Quick Facts
Birth Date: 13 Nov, 1991
Age: 28 yrs
Occupations: Actor
Film actor
Television actor
Citizenship: Canada
Birth Place: Toronto
Education: Etobicoke School of the Arts
Gender: Male
Description: Canadian actor
Twitter Id: Devbostick
Net Worth 2021: 3 million
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Last Modified: Jun 28 2020
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