Erica Schmidt

Erica Schmidt was born on 8 June 1975. The birthplace of Erica Schmidt, an actress, is Los Angeles, California, as her bio states. At the moment, Erica Schmidt is 41 years of age. She was born under the astrological Sun sign of Gemini. Her Ascendant is unknown because she had never revealed her exact time of birth. She is 1.68 meters tall, which is an average stature for an American female person. She has brown hair and brown eyes. Her weight is good for her stature, and it is 60 kilograms. Her biography is most famous for her being the wife of the famous American actor Peter Dinklage. Her husband Peter Dinklage was born on 11 June 1969. The birthplace of Peter Dinklage is the city of Morristown in the New Jersey state of the United States.

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At the moment, Peter Dinklage is 47 years old. Sadly, he was born with a rare condition called achondroplasia, which causes dwarfism. The height of Peter Dinklage is only 1.35 meters, because of his rare condition. His weight is around 50 kilograms which is a good weight for his short stature. The full name of Peter Dinklage given to him at the time of his birth was Peter Hayden Dinklage. He was born to parents Diane Dinklage, his mom, and to John Carl Dinklage, his dad. His dad was a salesperson, while Peter's mom was a teacher of music at an elementary school. Peter Dinklage is of several ancestries - he is of Irish, English, and German descent. He was always interested in acting and theater. His parents supported their ill son Peter to become an actor but thought that he wouldn't be well perceived as an actor because of his dwarfism. Eventually, although he has a rare condition, Peter Dinklage succeeded as an actor and earned a net worth of $20 million.


The bio of Erica Schmidt tells us that she had finished all levels of education - from an elementary school to the Vassar College. On the other hand, the biography of her husband, Peter Dinklage states that he had first attended an elementary school in Morristown, New Jersey. After his elementary school education, Peter went to the Delbarton High School. He was the member of his high school's drama club. After his successful education at the Delbarton High, he enrolled at the Bennington College in Vermont. He studied Acting at that college. Peter's early talent for acting and his education in acting acquired him a net worth of $20 million.


Erica Schmidt only had minor roles in her acting career. Her bio states that she was playing a role in the 2002 film Miles From Nowhere. She also had director's credits for the play Humor Abuse. On the other hand, the career biography of her spouse Peter Dinklage is abundant. His first role in a film was in the 1995 movie Living in Oblivion. Peter is most famous for his role in the HBO original series Game of Thrones, where he plays the role of Tyrion Lannister. From his career in acting, he acquired a net worth of $20 million.

Personal Life

Peter Dinklage got married to his wife Erica Schmidt in the year of 2005. From their marriage they don't have many children - only a baby daughter was born to them in 2011. The Dinklage-Schmidt couple doesn't plan a divorce because they have a loving relationship and marriage.

Quick Facts
Net Worth 2021: 11 billion
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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