Michael Jamar

Who is Michael Jamar? How old is Michael Jamar?

Michael Jamar is an American music manager and ordained minister who was born on June 21, 1988. Jamar appeared in the reality television show "R&B Divas". There are very few details about Jamar's early life, but his popularity reached a peak when he became romantically involved with R&B singer Keke Wyatt. Some say the relationship was not healthy and Wyatt herself described it as a "toxic relationship". Despite this, Jamar went on to marry Wyatt in 2010. They even had two children together bringing Wyatt's total children to eight including her children from a previous marriage. The married like seemed to work for them for about seven years until they divorced in 2017. Jamar was allegedly the person who filed for the divorce and at the time Wyatt was eight months pregnant with her ninth child.

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After splitting up with his superstar wife, Jamar went on to date American Idol contestant Paris Bennet in 2018. When their relationship became public, there was some controversy around whether Jamar's marriage to Wyatt had been legally divorced. Wyatt also soon moved on and married a man named Zachariah Darring in October of 2018. Jamar is currently earning his living as an ordained minister.

Quick Facts
Net Worth 2021: 1.8 million
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Last Modified: Jun 28 2020
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