HOW OLD IS Mike Holmes

Mike Holmes is 61 years and 2 month(s) old. He was born in 3 Aug, 1963. Besides being a successful self-made businessman, a father, and a TV celebrity renowned for his home improvement skills, Mike also loves to give back to society. He does so through his foundation called Holmes Foundation Make It Right. On the home page of the foundation's website, Mike's mission statement is to "stop shoddy work at its root and help skilled trades students get the education they need to become top professionals." Mike Holmes established the Holmes Foundation to increase tradespeople's education and prevent shoddy work due to a lack of understanding. Scholarships and bursaries are awarded by the foundation to students studying residential buildings. Mike constantly finds new ways to combine his charity work with his professional business. The latest example was the Helmets for Charity auction, where the initiative received generous personal donations. The auction sold numerous construction helmets with 28 beautiful designs in total.

Click here to read the full biography about Mike Holmes

Last Modified : Oct 3 2024

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