HOW OLD IS Peter Forsberg

Peter Forsberg is 51 years and 3 month(s) old. He was born in 20 Jul, 1973. Peter Forsberg was born in Sweden on 20 July 1973. His father Kent Forsberg was the coach of the Swedish national team and the Modo hockey. He coached Peter in his childhood and through his teenage to the later stages of his life when he started playing hockey professionally. He debuted in the professional career in 1990 playing for the junior team of Modo hockey. In 39 games that he played for the club, he scored 109 points. He was ranked as the 6th best player in the draft at the end of the season. He played for the Modo hockey for the next 3 years. He won the best player of the year award and the most valuable player of the year award in 1993.

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Last Modified : Oct 20 2024

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