Campbell Brown is 56 years and 8 month(s) old. She was born in 14 Jun, 1968. Alma Dale Campbell Brown, widely known as Campbell Brown, was born on 14th June 1968, aged 46 years, and is an American journalist for the NBC news channel called CNN. She was imparted her early years ‘education at Trinity Episcopal, the day school at Louisiana. There she had been brought up coupled with two of her siblings, her sisters in strict accordance with catholic norms and catholic values. For good amount of two years, she joined state university of Louisiana, but later she joined and completed her degree in graduation from the famous Regis University and ever completing her graduation she worked as class teacher for a very short span of interval. She got married to Dan Senor (her primer boyfriend), and was blessed with two kids named Eli James Senor and Asher Liam Senor. She was a graduate from Regis University. At the starting stage of Alma’s career, she had started as the local news-channel reporter for KSNT, but later in 1996 she was attached to one of the NBC channel where she promoted herself as the white house news correspondent for the NBC channel. Campbell Brown was appointed, applauded and backed by her skills, to pentagon for handling the live war coverage’s in Kosovo. Campbell Brown has remarkably presented a huge range of mainstream events occurring all over the world.