Dhani Harrison

Dh?n? Harrison (b?rn 1 August 1978) ?? an Engl??h multi-instrumentalist mu?????n ?nd singer-songwriter wh? ?? th? ?nl? child ?f G??rg? Harrison ?nd Olivia H?rr???n. H?rr???n d?but?d as a ?r?f?????n?l mu?????n ?????t?ng in r???rd?ng h?? father's final album, Br??nw??h?d, ?nd ??m?l?t?ng ?t with the ?????t?n?? ?f J?ff Lynne ?ft?r h?? f?th?r'? d??th in N?v?mb?r 2001.mHarrison formed h?? ?wn b?nd, th?n?wn?2, ?n 2006.

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H?rr???n is n?m?d after th? 6th ?nd 7th n?t?? ?f the Ind??n music ???l?, dh? ?nd n?. Dhani ?? ?l?? a r?g? ?n north Ind??n ?l??????l mu???. His f?r?t n?m? is u?u?ll? ?r?n?un??d ?n English ?? "D?nn?."

Harrison gr?w u? w?th h?? ??r?nt? in Henley-on-Thames, in Fr??r P?rk, th? estate ?n wh??h his f?th?r h?d l?v?d ??n?? 1970. H?? mother, Olivia H?rr???n, is M?x???n. On? of H?rr???n'? ??rl???t memories, fr?m the ?g? of ??x, ?? r????v?ng a drumm?ng lesson from h?? f?th?r'? fr??nd ?nd b?ndm?t?, "Uncle" R?ng? St?rr. He r???ll?d that b?f?r? the l????n, he h?d b??n ?n ?v?d drumm?r. However, wh?n St?rr began t? ?l??, th? l?ud noise fr?ght?n?d h?m so mu?h that h? ran out ?f the room ??r??m?ng and n?v?r used h?? drum kit again.


H?rr???n attended Badgemore Primary ??h??l ?n H?nl??-?n-Th?m??, then D?l?h?n S?h??l near Tw?f?rd, a M?nt????r? m?th?d school. H? later attended Sh??l?k? C?ll?g?, ?l?? n??r H?nl??, where h? ?h?w?d a keen ?nt?r??t ?n r?w?ng.

H?rr???n is ?n ?lumnu? ?f Br?wn Un?v?r??t?, Pr?v?d?n??, Rh?d? I?l?nd, Un?t?d States, where h? ?tud??d v??u?l ?rt?, ?bt??n?ng a B??h?l?r ?f Art? d?gr??. Aft?r gr?du?t?ng in 2001, H?rr???n ?ur?u?d a ??r??r as an ??r?d?n?m????t b?f?r? deciding to f?ll?w in h?? f?th?r'? f??t?t??? ?? a ?r?f?????n?l mu?????n.

Music Career

After h?? f?th?r'? d??th ?n 2001, Harrison, in ??ll?b?r?t??n w?th Jeff L?nn?, completed his father's f?n?l album, Br??nw??h?d, wh??h w?? r?l????d in 2002, H?rr???n participated ?n the Concert for George ?n the f?r?t anniversary of his f?th?r'? d??th. Th? ??n??rt w?? organized b? Er?? Cl??t?n ?nd f??tur?d some ?f h?? father's friends ?nd ??ll?b?r?t?r?, including former B??tl?? b?ndm?t?? P?ul M?C?rtn?? ?nd R?ng? St?rr ?? w?ll ?? Cl??t?n, B?ll? Preston, Ravi Sh?nk?r, J?ff L?nn?, Tom P?tt?, Jim K?ltn?r, and J?? Br?wn. H?rr???n ?l???d b??ku? acoustic gu?t?r for most of th? ??n??rt. Before the finale, McCartney relayed t? th? ?ud??n??, "Ol?v?? said th?t with Dhani u? ?n ?t?g?, ?t l??k? like G??rg? stayed young ?nd w? ?ll got old", referencing the ?h?????l ??m?l?r?t??? b?tw??n f?th?r and ??n.

In 2004 Harrison ?????r?d ?n?t?g? w?th T?m P?tt?, Steve W?nw??d, J?ff L?nn?, Pr?n?? and ?th?r? for a performance of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" dur?ng h?? father's ?ndu?t??n ?nt? the Rock and R?ll H?ll of F?m?.

In M?r?h 2006, H?rr???n made a gu??t ?????r?n?? on Liam L?n?h'? P?d???t V?d?? Variety Show, L?n?hl?nd. They ??rf?rm?d a du?t that w?ll ?????r on a L?n?h ?lbum. H? ??ll?b?r?t?d w?th J?k?b D?l?n ?n th? J?hn Lennon ??ng "Gimme S?m? Truth" f?r the Lennon tribute album Instant K?rm?: Th? Amnesty International Campaign t? S?v? D?rfur, wh??h w?? r?l????d on 12 Jun? 2007 Dh?n? is ?r?d?t?d ?n two unreleased Traveling W?lbur?? tracks und?r the ???ud?n?m Ayrton Wilbury, a tr?but? t? Ayrton Senna.

Harrison for l?ng has been engaged to his g?rlfr??nd Solveig 'Sola' K?r?d?tt?r and later took her as wife in June 2012. Sola's f?th?r ?? Kár? St?fán???n, ??-f?und?r of d?CODE Genetics. Dhani h?? an ??t?m?t?d n?t w?rth ?f $275 m?ll??n.


In A?r?l 2006, ?t w?? ?nn?un??d th?t Harrison's band, thenewno2, h?d begun recording. Th? b?nd r?l????d a mu??? v?d??, "Choose Wh?t You're W?t?h?ng", ?n its website. th?n?wn?2 features H?rr???n ?n l??d guitar, ??nth?????r ?nd v???l? and Oli H??k? ?n drums ?nd ??nth?. H? ?l?? ??ntr?but?d t? th? 2007 EP by H??th?r P?r??r? and th? H??rt?tr?ng S?m?h?n?, R??n??'? 2007 CD C?ll?ng th? W?rld. H? was ?nv?lv?d ?n a re-working of th? B??tl??' "While M? Guitar G?ntl? W????" entitled "Th? Heart Gently Weeps", wh??h w?? th? first ??ngl? ?n the Wu-T?ng Cl?n'? ?lbum, 8 D??gr?m?, r?l????d in D???mb?r 2007.

Quick Facts
Birth Date: 1 Aug, 1978
Age: 41 yrs
Occupations: Singer
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Birth Place: Windsor
Education: Brown University
Gender: Male
Description: English musician
Net Worth 2021: 275 million
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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