HOW OLD IS Edie Mcclurg

Edie Mcclurg is 73 years and 7 month(s) old. She was born in 23 Jul, 1951. Edie Mcclurg was born on the twenty-third of July in the year 1951 in the city of Kansas in Missouri. She began her career in the entertainment field at the young age of five, where she performed among the ‘Kansas City Rhythm Kids’. Mcclurg studied in the University of Missouri during the mid-nineteen sixties, where she pursued her undergraduate degree and also re-entered into the field of entertainment as a DJ, producer and newswoman. According to her biography, Edie Mcclurg obtained her Masters’ degree from Syracuse University in Science. Her onscreen debut began with the 1976 horror film titled ‘Carrie’. She also taught radio at the University of Missouri for almost eight years.

Click here to read the full biography about Edie Mcclurg

Last Modified : Feb 23 2025

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