Jack White is 49 years and 6 month(s) old. He was born in 9 Jul, 1975. Jack White is a musician, record producer, designer, writer, actor, singer, songwriter and also an instrumentalist. He is known for his solo album, Blunderbuss. Jack has been married and divorced twice, till date. The rumors about the affair and marriage of Jack and Meg White started long back. However, the couple stated that they are having a sibling relationship and it has nothing to do with romance. However, in 2003, it was proved that they got married long ago and did not comment on their relationship. When asked about it, Jack said that he and his wife are the siblings who mated for life. He agreed that they got married in 1996 and divorced her in 2000, long before the relationship was proved. It was said that he took her last name and did not drop it even after the divorce.