Mia Talerico

Mia Talerico full name is Mia Kaityln Talerico and she is 3 feet and 9 inches. From her biography, she was born in the year 2008 in the state of California in the city of Santa Barbara. She is the adorable baby called Charlotte Charlie Duncan in the Good Luck Charlie which is on the Disney Channels. She was born to Claire and Chris Talerico and she started to play when she was still too young. The co-creator of the show, Phil Baker, said that they normally talk to her mom so that they can know what she is doing and what she is not doing so that they can put them in the stories.

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Mia started to play in the series when she was only 11 months and she started to film Good Luck Charlie. She was given the role since the producer was not able to find the cast that can play the twins for the role. She is said to be obedient character by the director of the show. She has a young sister called Aubrey.

Good Luck Charlie is the American sitcom and it aired at the Disney channel since 2010. The creators of the series are Phil Baker and Drew Vaupen and they were looking to make the program that can appeal to an entire family but not just to the children. It was focusing on Duncan Family of Denver and they had to adjust to births of fourth and of fifth child. Teddy Duncan played by Bridgit Mendler adds the video dairy that has the advice to Charlie on the family and the life of being a teenager. Every video ends when Teddy and other family members say Good Luck Charlie.

The producer had to make some decision by ensuring that the series is also appearing to the adult and they changed the series from it’s original name oops to love Teddy and they settled to Good Luck Charlie.

Mia Talerico plays the role of Charlotte or Charlie and it is the character of the title and it is a second youngest baby in the family. She is always happy and it needs only some tries to make her to do the best thing however at a certain time, she can be a mischievous child. There are many adventures which revolve over Charlie. The brothers, Gabe and PJ like to use her for their benefits but PJ cares while Gabe dislikes her.

Mia Talerico has a net worth of 2 million at the age of 5 years. Some of the information about her can be found on wiki. Her look from how she was from the beginning up to now can be found online. Her smile is one of her trademark. She was a victim of death threats that were posted on the net and the police had to be involved. The nature of the threat is not disclosed because it is too sensitive.

Quick Facts
Net Worth 2021: 1.5 million
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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