Miles Brown

Who is Miles Brown ? Who is his parents?

Miles Brown also known as Baby Boogaloo was born on December 28, 2004 in Oxnard California. The young actor, dancer, and rapper is currently enjoying new found fame for his role as "Jack Johnson" on the ABC hit show "Blackish". The black sitcom has won many fans for its accurate portrayal of African American suburban life.

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Miles started his path in the entertainment world as a dancer at the age of 3. Miles is also the official "JR reporter" for the National Basketball Association as part of a team of young basketball reporters. The league features him in funny interview segments where he asks basketball players challenging questions. The players like talking to Miles because his charm and engaging personality that is unique for someone so young. Miles has made appearances on popular television programs like The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Conan, The Steve Harvey Show, America's Got Talent, and Yo Gabba.

Quick Facts
Birth Date: 28 Dec, 2004
Age: 15 yrs
Occupations: Film actor
Television actor
Citizenship: United States of America
Birth Place: Oxnard
Gender: Male
Description: American actor
Net Worth 2021: 1 million
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Last Modified: Jun 28 2020
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