Afton Smith

Afton Smith was born on 4 September 1971. The birthplace of Afton Smith is Los Angeles, California, according to her biography. Afton Smith's astrological Sun sign is Virgo. Virgo people are known to be serious and not romantic, but when the make someone fall in love with them, they do it to the bone. That is the case with Afton Smith who made one of the most famous actors in the world Brendan Fraser fall in love with her. Afton Smith's height is 1.68 meters. Although she is not an actress, she made actor Brendan Fraser fall in love with her on a party. Her famous boyfriend and husband Brendan Fraser was born on 3 December 1968. The place Brendan Fraser was born in is Indianapolis, Indiana, the United States of America. Brendan was born to parents Carol Mary, his mom, and to Peter Fraser.

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The maiden name of Brendan Fraiser's mom is Carol Generaux. Brendan Fraiser's dad was a journalist working in many important positions. The mom of Brendan Fraiser was a sales assistant and an economist. Brendan's maternal uncle participated in the Summer Olympic Games of 1952. There are a lot of photos depicting his uncle holding a golden medal he won. Brendan Fraser is of many descents, but his main descent is Canadian descent. From both his paternal and maternal sides, Brendan is of Irish, Scottish, Czech, and German descent. He lived in many places during his childhood and his teens, for example, he lived in Seattle, Ottawa, then in the Netherlands, then in Switzerland. From his early years, Brendan was exposed to the world of acting. He is a very tall man, with a height of 1.91 meters.


Afton Smith first attended an elementary school in Los Angeles, CA. After her elementary education, Afton Smith went to a high school in Los Angeles. Her ex-husband Brendan Fraser is very well-educated. Brendan Fraser first went to an elementary school in Toronto, Canada. After his primary education, he attended a private high school named the Upper Canada College. Later, after graduating from the Upper Canada College, he attended the Cornish College of Arts. Brendan also attended an unnamed acting college in New York, according to wiki and biography.


It is not known what Afton Smith does in her life or what is her career path. On the other side, her former husband Brendan Fraser has an abundant career, which his biography and a net worth of $50 million confirm. The first role Brendan had played is the character of a cave man in the famous 1992 film Encino Man. Throughout his career, Brendan mostly played the characters in various comedy films such as Blast from the Past, Monkeybone, and many other films. He was also awarded many awards for his tremendous acting skill.

Personal Life

Afton Smith got married to Brendan Fraser in the year of 1998. The Fraser-Smith couple has three children from their marriage. They have got three sons. The names of their sons are Griffin Arthur, Holden Fletcher, and Leland Francis. Sadly, Afton Smith and Brendan underwent divorce in 2007. Brendan Fraser has to take a part of his net worth of $50 million to pay Afton Smith the alimentation.

Quick Facts
Net Worth 2021: 900 thousand
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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