Elizabeth Ashley Wharton

Elizabeth Ashley Wharton was born on the 15th of January. The birth year of Elizabeth Ashley Wharton is 2015. At the moment, Elizabeth Ashley Wharton is only one-year-old. Elizabeth Ashley was born under the astrological Sun sign of Pisces. Her Ascendant is not known to the public because her famous grandfather Vince Neil forbade it to be exposed. The current height of baby Elizabeth Ashley Wharton is only 85 centimeters, which is a good height for a baby girl of her age. Her weight is not known. According to Elizabeth's biography, her grandfather is the famous musician and lead singer of the band Mötley Crüe. Vince Neil was born on the 8th of February. His year of birth is 1961. At the moment, Vince Neil is 55 years of age. The birthplace of Vince Neil, as his bio says, is Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, the United States.

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Vince was born under the astrological Sun sign of Aquarius. His astrological sign helped him a lot to express his creativity and become a famous musician with a net worth of over $50 million. The parents of Vince Neil are Shirley Wharton, his mom, and Clois Wharton. Vince Neil is from his maternal side of the Mexican descent, while from his paternal side he is of Native American descent. During his early childhood and his teenage years, Vince Neil was a very versatile person - he was surfing, playing basketball, baseball, and football, and he was also a wrestler. His biggest interest was music, which led Vince Neil to the worldwide success. During his childhood, he had to move several times around Los Angeles with his family.


Elizabeth Ashley Wharton is still a baby, and she doesn't attend any school. Probably her parents or her famous grandfather, Vince Neil, will hire a private tutor for her. On the other hand, Elizabeth's musician grandfather, Vince Neil, first attended an elementary school in L.A., California. His biography states that he later attended the Sunflower Intermediate School, and after it the Royal Oak High School. He was an excellent student during his educational path. The famous musician Tommy Lee went together with Vince Neil to high school. Vince founded a band during his high school called Rockandi. He never went to college or had a formal education in music. Despite that fact, he became a successful musician and singer with a net worth of over $50 million and an enormous salary.


Elizabeth Ashley Wharton is still young, and her only career is to make her parents and her famous grandfather happy and proud. On the other hand, her grandpa Vince Neil has an abundant career. According to his biography, Vince Neil started his music career in the 1980s. He joined the band Mötley Crüe on the insistence of Tommy Lee. Together with Mötley Crüe, Vince Neil released the band's first studio album in 1980. The Mötley Crüe band was one of the number one heavy metal bands in the world. They released numerous albums through the 80's. On the surprise of many, Vince Neil left the group in 1992 and went solo. Later he reunited with Mötley Crüe in 1997. From his career in music, Vince Neil acquired a net worth of over $50 million.

Personal Life

Vince Neil was married for four times. At the moment he didn't get into any marriage after the divorce from his last wife, Lia Gerardini. He doesn't have many children - only one daughter Skylar.

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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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