Eric Church

Eric was born on 3 May 1977 and he was born under the zodiac sign of Taurus. Eric was born in North Carolina in the United States of America and the name of his father is Ken Church. The name of Eric’s mother is Rita Barlow. Eric also has two siblings and the name of his brother is Brandon Church and the name of his sister is Kendra Church.

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There is no information available about his parent’s profession but it is known that Eric completed his schooling from South Caldwell High School and he later enrolled in Appalachian State University to complete his degree and obtain a degree in the field of marketing.

As per the information available, Eric got himself a guitar when he was 13 years old and he started writing songs at that age. He also performed in several events and the name of his band was Mountain Boys.

Eric started his career early but he released his first album in 2006. The name of the first album was Sinners like Me. Two of the songs in this album were listed in top 20 songs and another song was listed at 51st position. In 2008, Eric released another song and the name of the song was his Kind of Money. The song was a part of the album Carolina.

Later in 2011, Eric released another album. The name of the album was Chief. Many of his songs reached the list of top 20 songs and in 2013, he released another album. Eric recently appeared in red rocks concert and he was loved for his performance in the concert. It is said that he turned the whole concert into a live album. Eric also won several awards until now.

It is known that after completing graduation, Eric got engaged to a lady. The name of the lady is not known but as per the records, she wanted Eric to work in the corporate world whereas Eric wanted to make his career in music. Because of the difference, Eric’s fiancé broke up with him. During that time, Eric’s father supported him as he saw talent in his son.

Later in 2008, Eric got married to Katherine Blasingame and after the marriage, his wife birth to two children. The name of his first son is Boone McCoy and the name of their second son is Tennessee Hawkins. It is known that this star also runs a non-government organization with his wife and the couple provides financial help to the people in need.

As per a report, the couple also helped several orphans in Nepal. Eric seems to be addicted to cannabis and reports suggests that Eric consumes cannabis quite often. It is believed that his support for cannabis can be judged because of lyrics of several songs he wrote. The annual salary of Eric is estimated to be 1 million and 200 thousand American Dollars. His total net worth is over 10 Million Dollars.

Quick Facts
Birth Date: 3 May, 1977
Age: 42 yrs
Citizenship: United States of America
Birth Place: Granite Falls
Education: Appalachian State University
Gender: Male
Description: American musician
Twitter Id: Ericchurch
Net Worth 2021: 14 million
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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