Erin Kellyman

Who is Erin Kellyman ? How old is Erin Kellyman ?

Erin Mae Kellyman is a British actress who was born in 1998 and has a sister named Amelia Kellyman. Little is known about her since she only just became known for her breakout role in the Star Wars anthology film "Solo: A Star Wars Story" where she played Enfys Nest. The film is the fourth Star Wars movie that has been made since Disney purchased Lucasfilm and the rights to the space opera franchise in 2012. Before she was picked out for the role in Star Wars, Kellyman appeared in "Raised by Wolves", a British sitcom written by Caitlin Moran and her sister Caroline Moran.

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A pilot episode was created by BBC and the show was aired on Channel 4. Kellyman also had a role in "The Coopers Vs The Rest", a comedy television show which aired on BBC 2. She is currently set to star in BBC's adaption of "Les Miserables" which is slated to begin production in 2019. It is reported that Kellyman will play the role of Eponine in the 2019 BBC television miniseries based on the French historical novel by Victor Hugo. Kellyman is distinguishable by her unique fiery red hair and her strongly freckled face.

Quick Facts
Birth Date: 17 Oct, 1998
Age: 21 yrs
Occupations: Actor
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Birth Place: Tamworth
Gender: Female
Description: British actress
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Last Modified: Jun 28 2020
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