Leo Laporte

Leo Laporte was born on 29 November 1956. Leo Laporte is currently 59 years old. He was born in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. It seems that the genius of the Scorpio sun sign made him what he is today - a technology genius. The birthplace of Leo Laporte is New York City, New York, the United States. He was born to Mark, a geologist, and Suzan, his mom, a homemaker. According to the biography of Leo Laporte, the place he grew up was Pawtucket, Rhode Island, the United States. He also grew up in Providence, Rhode Island, the United States. Leo Laporte is of average height - 1.73 meters. The full name of this American live television broadcaster is Leo Gordon Laporte, but his friends tend to call him Leo. From his early childhood, he developed an interest in technology and electrical engineering, and his father thought that his son would become an electrical engineer. Leo Laporte is besides being a technology broadcaster, technology journalist and blogger, and author, also an actor and producer. His love for computers and all things technological developed when he got his first personal computer Atari 400, which was very expensive at the time of his childhood. He got Atari 400 as a birthday present for his good grades.

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Leo Laporte firs finished his primary level education in his hometown of New York City, New York, the United States. After completing his elementary school education, Leo enrolled into a private high school also in New York City. He was an excellent student at both his elementary and high school. He used to create robots in technology classes at his high school. The subjects that he loved the most at his high school were history and technology. After his high school, Leo attended the world famous and prestigious Yale University. He studied Chinese History course at the Yale University. But, something changed in his mind, and he decided to drop out of the Yale University so he could pursue his career as a radio and television broadcaster. He never knew when he dropped out of the Yale University that he would become a famous radio and television broadcaster with a net worth of $1 million.


Leo Laporte started his broadcasting career on broadcasting shows related to the technology such as Dvorak on Computers in the Winter of 1991. He was the co-host of the show together with John Charles Dvorak, who was a writer on technology. He got himself his radio shows on San Francisco-based radio stations KGO Radio and KFO entitled Laporte on Computers. He was one of the creators of technology television show entitled The Screen Savers, created in 1998. The show aired on the ZDTV from 1998 to 2005. He is most famous for his technology television show The Lab with Leo Laporte. That show aired mostly on Canadian television stations and in Australia. Currently, Leo Laporte has his talk show about technology on Premiere Radio Networks.

Personal Life

Leo Laporte has been married for two times. His first marriage was with his wife, Jennifer. Her surname is unknown. He has two children with Jennifer. They underwent divorce because of marital issues.

Quick Facts
Birth Date: 29 Nov, 1956
Age: 63 yrs
Occupations: Radio personality
Citizenship: United States of America
Birth Place: Manhattan
Gender: Male
Description: American technology broadcaster, author, and entrepreneur
Twitter Id: Leolaporte
Net Worth 2021: 5 million
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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