HOW OLD IS Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley is 33 years and 1 month(s) old. She was born in 15 Nov, 1991. Born on 15th November 1991, in Simi Valley, California to Lori and Loni Woodley, Shailene Woodley is an American actress.  Her sibling is Tanner Woodley. Her mother is a middle school counselor and her father a school principal. When she was barely four years old she modeled, but sadly, when she was 15 the doctors had diagnosed her with having scoliosis. The treatment for this ailment meant that she had to be placed in a plastic brace from the chest to the hip so the spine can be straightened.  Another bad incident when she was 15 took place in the form of the divorce of her parents.

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Last Modified : Dec 15 2024

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