Tom Ackerley

Who is Tom Ackerley ? How old is Tom Ackerley ?

Tom Ackerley is a British film director was born on January 1, 1990, in Surrey, United Kingdom. Little is available about Ackerley's early years but he did attend Godalming College before pursuing a career in the film industry. Ackerley is best known for his work on films such as "I, Tonya" in 2017, "The Brothers Grimsby" in 2016, and "The Last Days on Mars" in 2013. Ackerley met Australian actress Margot Robbie on the set while filming "Suite Francaise" in 2014.

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They began seeing each other and soon fell in love. Within two years, the pair had married in Bryon Bay, New South Wales, Australia in 2016. Ackerley lived with his wife in London, England, United Kingdom, before they eventually moved to Los Angeles, California. Since moving to Los Angeles, California, the pair has been closer to the film industry and have both been busy with their respective careers. Robbie most recently appeared in "I, Tonya," a performance which earned her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress. She also produced the movie and her next project is "Suicide Squad 2" where she plays the notorious villain Joker's girlfriend, Harly Quinn. Ackerley and Robbie have not yet had any children but are still happily married in California.

Quick Facts
Net Worth 2020: 4 million
Net Worth 2021: 4 million
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Last Modified: Jun 28 2020
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