Ana Brenda Contreras

Anna Brenda Contreras was born on 24 December 1986. The birthplace of Anna Brenda Contreras is, according to her biography, a place called Rio Bravo in the Tamaulipas region of the Mexico. At the moment, Anna Brenda Contreras is 29 years old. Anna Brenda was born under the astrological Sun sign of Capricorn. Since Anna's exact time of birth is not available; her Ascendant is unknown. For a Capricorn woman, Anna Brenda Contreras is very tall - her height is 1.75 meters. Her weight is 65 kilograms, which is an ideal weight for her body constitution. Anna Brenda has a curvy body constitution and is considered to be one of the sexiest Mexican actresses. Anna Brenda grew up in a Catholic family in her hometown of Rio Bravo. She showed particular interest in acting and singing from her early age. Most of her free time, she would watch Spanish soap operas or sing songs in English and Spanish. As a teen, Anna dreamed of becoming a successful actress. She wanted to become a beautiful and wealthy actress, just like the actress' in telenovelas were. Eventually, she made her dream come true; she became an actress of telenovelas and a singer in several bands and got a net worth of $2 million. Her strict Christian parents, whose names are unknown, did not approve Anna to become an actress, but she never listened to them, and she had followed her dreams. There is no information available on whether Anna Brenda Contreras has siblings or not.

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Her career in music started when she was very young. When she was only at 15 years of age, Anna Brenda moved from Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas to the capital of Mexico - Mexico City. According to her biography, the reason for her moving was that so she could be a participant of a reality television show entitled Pop Stars. She became a finalist of that show. Later, she joined a band called „t'detila“. Together with that band, she released a studio album. Her career in acting started when she portrayed the character of Juanita in the telenovela Barrera de amor. She was a part of the production team for the reincarnated musical Grease. Anna had also starred in the soap opera Duelo de Pasiones. She played the character of Claudia in Duelo de Pasiones. She had also starred in many movies. She appeared in many telenovelas, but she has to act in so many telenovelas to become like Thalia, an actress which starred in more than 100 telenovels.


Anna Brenda Contreras had first attended an elementary school in Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas. She was an succesful student at her elementary school and had all the straight A's, according to her biography. After her primary school education, Anna Brenda went to a high school in Mexico City. Like at her elementary school, she was also successful at her high school. She studied at the Center for Arts Education Televisa so she could improve her acting. Her education in acting and talent for acting and music earned Anna Brenda a net worth of $2 million.

Personal Life

The husband of Anna Brenda was Alejandro Amaya. They got married in 2013 in Las Vegas. The couple didn't have children from their marriage. They have undergone divorce soon after stepping into marriage waters.

Quick Facts
Birth Date: 24 Dec, 1986
Age: 33 yrs
Citizenship: Mexico
United States of America
Birth Place: McAllen
residence: Mexico City
Los Angeles
Education: Centro de Educación Artística
Gender: Female
Description: American-Mexican actress and singer
Spouse: Alejandro Amaya[2013-2014]
Net Worth 2021: 10 million
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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