HOW OLD IS Cecily Strong

Cecily Strong is 41 years and 1 month(s) old. She was born in 8 Feb, 1984. Cecily Strong was born in the year 1984 and she is American comedian, voice actress and actress. She is known to be the cast member for the Saturday Night Live and has joined the show since 2012. From his biography, Cecily Strong was born in Illinois State in Springfield. He was raised in the Illinois state in the state of Oak Park. She was born to Penelope and his father is Bill Strong. She worked like associated Press Bureau Chief and now he is managing a public relationship firm of Chicago. Her parents got a divorce and she was born with a young brother. She grew up watching SNL when he was a child and he was reenacting the sketches together with her friend.

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Last Modified : Mar 8 2025

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