Jared Fogle

Jared Fogle was born on August 23, 1977 in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. He is the son of Jewish parents Norman and Adrienne Fogle. His full name is Jared Scot Fogle

Related Biography: Jeanette Dousdebes

He had his bar mitzvah when he was on a trip to Israel. He was confirmed by the Conservative-Reconstructionist synagogue. As part of his education, Fogle attended North Central High School from Indianapolis. In 2000 he graduated from the Indiana University and started to work briefly for American Trans Air.

Jared became famous due to an article written by a dorm-mate on him. He was an example on how junk food and lack of exercise can get you obese.

Subway advertisment

When he realized his mistakes, he started to conduct a more healthy life. He decided to eat from Subway, smaller portions and healthier choices. With his new diet he succeeded to lose over 200 pounds. His regularly Subway location used his story for their advertising, and this is how he began his road to fame. He was now used as an example of how healthy food from subway can help people lose or maintain weight. He started to participate in more ads for Subway and became a spokesman for the brand.

In 2002 the animated series South Park made Fogle the subject of one of the episodes. Even though the episode was named Jared Has Aids he was not offended. He even said that it was really flattering for him because you know you became famous when South Park has an entire episode inspired by you.

In February 2008 Fogle donated his pants to a museum in order to show his dramatic weight loss. This was part of a Subway campaign named Tour de Pants. After this, Fogle’s appearance in advertising started to decrease due to another Subway campaign - $5 Footlong.

Fogle starred in more than 300 commercials for Subway. He also was part or Sharkando and Sharkando 2: The Second One.


In 2004 Fogle started the Jared Foundation, a non-profit organization based on raising awareness about childoohd obesity. In 2015, the director of Jared Foundations, Russell Taylor was accused of child exploitation, possession of child pornography and voyeurism. He was imprisoned in Marion County Jail. On May 6, 2015 Russell Taylor was close to death in his attempt of suicide.

In 2012 the organization was shut down due to financial problems. It was also accused that the organization was created more to enhance Fogle’s image than to support child obesity. Fogle’s fortune was considered to have a net worth of $15 million in 2013 due to his salary paid by Subway.

Jared Fogle’s trial

In August 2015, Fogle was also accused of having sex with minors and child pornography. He pleaded guilty of the charges and was sentenced to 15 years and 8 months in a federal prison. His minimum time was of 13 years.

In 2001, Fogle married Elizabeth Christie a pediatric nurse. In 2007 the couple divorced. In November 2009 Fogle was engaged to Katie McLaughlin and got married to her in August 2010. They have two children together. Once the trial started in 2015, Fogle’s wife declared that she was going for a divorce in order to protect her children from the media circus. As a result of their divorce, Fogle agreed to pay her former-wife $7 million.

Quick Facts
Birth Date: 23 Aug, 1977
Age: 42 yrs
Occupations: Actor
Television actor
Citizenship: United States of America
Birth Place: Indianapolis
Education: Indiana University
Indiana University Bloomington
Gender: Male
Description: American corporate mascot
Net Worth 2021: 15 million
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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