Kitty Szekely

Both parents have done a good job at keeping the media and press away from having access to Kitty and Mary Louise. Even though there is so little known about that, it is widely believed that both of them are very happy with having both their parents in their lives. It seems like the former married couple is not like a regular divorced couple. They worked hard to communicate and cooperate with each other through the tough times. They compromised got over the resentment between them in order to focus on what mattered most. The joint goal they had forced them to work as a solid strong team to keep their loving young daughters happy. Due to the strong privacy protection attempts to protect their young daughters, Kitty’s net worth is unknown and won’t likely be made public until she is an adult.

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Kitty’s Relationship with her Parents

Kitty’s biological parents Alix Bailey and Louis C.K. were married from 1995 until the year 2008. Kitty was born as their first baby daughter and both of them were very happy when she arrived in this world. Both the behaviors and lifestyle choices of Alix and Louis should be considered as a great example when it comes to dealing with divorce and keeping their children away from the negative trauma. The former loving partners did not pretend that everything was working and fine but they explained to their daughters that their separation was sad but natural and inevitable. They were in love at one moment but they grew apart from each other through the years. They wanted their daughters to know that their divorce was not their fault. They both loved them equally and the divorce was not going to change that. A big and convenient advantage was the fact that the daughters were very little and young when the divorce took place. It is believed that little emotional harm was done to the daughters because they were too young to process it. There wasn’t much to suffer and cry about because they had not built a long log of memories yet. As far as they were concerned, divorce was just the next step after marriage.

In our modern time, divorces occur very often for various reasons. Some people should have never gotten married in the first place. Some people marry too young and end it when they realize their mistake. Some people want out of the marriage but they don’t know how so they sabotage it by cheating on each other. Divorce also means profits and big business to people outside of the relationship. Lawyers and marriage counselors love when they get to meet with divorcing couples because all they see is dollar signs in their clients. They pit the husband and wife against each other in order to maximize how much money they can make from the separation.

People often get married while they are blinded and get carried away by love. Most of the time these marriages don’t last because they run out of the short spark that was fueling them. The sad of the ending is when there are children involved in the fallout. Sometimes people don’t realize their mistake in compatibility early enough and end up breeding children that they will have to split time seeing. Two people can separate and never hear from each other again in their lives, but this cannot happen when there are children bred in the relationship. Even though they are not physically together anymore, they will always be bound by their shared connection to their children. Normal and adjusted parents would like to minimize the suffering that their children experience, but most of the time the children are the ones that have to deal with the majority of the consequences of their parents’ divorce. For a long time, Alix and Louis seem to have found a compromising agreement that works and keeps their young daughters happy.

Due to the Louis C.K.’s fame and popularity, the public is extremely curious about the fate of the two beautiful girls and how they are being raised by their single comedian father. Some bet and speculate that the two girls will follow their parents’ path and will be involved in arts – painting like their mother or the movie and television entertainment business like their father.

Louis C.K.’s Sexual Harassment Scandal

In addition to the sympathy for Louis C.K.’s victims, the public also worried about how the sexual harassment accusations against their father would harm his daughters. Louis C.K. publicly apologized and accepted responsibilities for his actions. He has been quiet after all of his productions were stopped by studios. With public shame cast upon him, he should try his best to rebuild his image in the eyes of his daughters.

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Quick Facts
Net Worth 2021: 4 million
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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