HOW OLD IS Brenda Buttner

Brenda Buttner is 63 years and 9 month(s) old. She was born in 22 May, 1961. Brenda Buttner was born on 22 May 1961. The birthplace of Brenda Buttner is the city of San Francisco, California, the United States, according to her biography. Brenda Buttner is currently 55 years old. She was born in the astrological Sun sign of Taurus. It is not known what is Brenda Buttner's ascendant since she never exposed to the public her real time of birth. From her looks, Brena Buttner is probably has a Pisces Ascendant. Brenda Buttner is of different ancestries.

Click here to read the full biography about Brenda Buttner

Last Modified : Feb 22 2025

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