Chris Warren

Chris Warren was born on 19 January 1981. Chris Warren now has 35 years. He was born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn. He has typical Capricornian distinctive characteristics - he is very ambitious, very tall - that helped him a lot to become a basketball player, and career-oriented. The birthplace of Chris Warren is a large town in Texas named Garland. His mother is from Panama. The father of Chris Warren is from America. All of Chris' paternal generations come from America. From his maternal side, he is of Panama and Mexico descent. From his paternal side he is of American descent. Chris Warren has two older siblings. His older siblings are his brother and his sister. Chriss Warren has both the citizenship of the United States of American and the citizenship of Panama. He is fluent in English and Spanish language. From his young age, he showed interest in playing basket. He and his sister and brother would play at their family home in Garland basket on the sunny weather. His brother and sister were mainly responsible for developing the love for the basket in his early days. Besides playing that sport, he also loved playing music and wanted to found a music band with his brother and sister. In his free time, Chris Warren would watch NBA games and felt inspired when he watched how famous basket players such as Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O'Neal, Magic Johnson, Moses Malone and many other play the game. They all were his idols, and he wanted to become one day a professional player of basket just like them. He had never dreamed of that one day he will become a famous basket player with a net worth of $2 million from basket plays and honoraries.

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Chris Warren first attended an elementary school in his hometown of Garland, Texas. Later, he graduated from Lakeview Centennial High School in Garland. He was outstanding in his PE classes and also played for the high school's basketball team. Later he enrolled in the Collin CC College after graduating from high school. At his Collin CC College, Chris played college basket.


After finishing education at the Collin CC College, where he had also played college basketball, his basket career started in 2003. He started playing as a junior for the University of South Carolina basket team. His results weren't so spectacular - he scored only four points per game. At the University of Carolina, he played the defensive player position. After his college career, Chris Warren went to the NBA Draft, hoping that he will be chosen to play in one of the NBA teams. Chris was devastated when none of the NBA teams didn't choose him to be their player. Fearing that an end has come to his career biography, he decides not to play in the United States nor in Europe, where he was unknown, but he rather decides to play for Panteras de Aguascalientes. He signed a contract with them for 2003-2004 Mexican Basketball League. Chriss Warren won with his first team Panteras de Aguascalientes the Mexican Championship. In the Winter of 2015, his European career started. He played for the famous Serbian basket club Reflex Železnik. The next year he continued his Balkan tour and played for Croatian most famous basket club KK Cibona. Chris Warren currently plays for Argentinian basket Club Obras Sanitarias.

Personal Life

Chris Warren doesn't reveal a lot about his personal life. All that is known is that he never married or underwent divorce process. He currently has a girlfriend.

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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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