HOW OLD IS Chuck Todd

Chuck Todd is 52 years and 8 month(s) old. He was born in 8 Apr, 1972. Charles David “Chuck” Todd was born on April 8, 1972 and is an American expert and an accomplished news journalist. He was born in Miami, Florida to Lois Cheri and Stephen Randolph Todd. Having graduated from Killian Senior High School, he attended George Washington University from 1990 to 1994 on a music scholarship. He majored in political science with a minor in music, but he did not graduate. Before he joined his career of political reporting and analysis, he first earned practical political experience through various campaigns in Florida and Washington D.C. While his stay in college, Chuck worked for the presidential campaign of Senator Tom Harkin and then started work at The Hotline.

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Last Modified : Dec 8 2024

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