Michael Braxton 

After a short career in music, he took up a career of a travelling nurse. Details of his educational background and growth in his nursing career are not known to public.

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Michael’s interest in the musical field showed itself came about during his teenage years. During this time, Michael’s sisters were singing in their father’s choir. According to Toni, his elder sister, the sisters’ first music experience always intrigued them. It was their younger sister Tamar, who was about 5 years then who started singing about toilet papers while in the bathroom. Since that time, all the family members joined her habit and composed a family “Toilet Paper Song.”

After some time, Michael decided to indulge in song writing as well as singing since it provided a means of self-expression. After years of song writing and singing his own compositions, Michael eventually released an album in 2012 which was his debut album. Some of his major songs include Under My Christmas and Take You There. Despite a short-lived career, Michael featured in numerous music bands as a supporting member.

The Braxton Family

The Braxtons have the tendency of avoiding the topic of their father in interviews. This perhaps is because of the hurtful divorce between their parents which left them devastated. Despite being a religious leader, their father had an affair with another woman. News of his infidelity came as a shocker to people, especially his family. Preachers are expected to be perfect family men. According to the Braxtons, that situation still causes hurt in the family. The family finds it hard to accept that their father was a hypocrite. Preachers are supposed to have strong moral values and they are supposed to be good role models for their family and community. Even though the family wants to love their father, they can’t help but feel that their father abused his role as a preacher to benefit himself. If he was really a man of God, he would have cared about his family and not give in to his temptations. He chose to fall victim to lust and humiliate his family instead of staying strong and raising them without an affair.

The stardom and careers of Michael’s sisters overshadow Michael’s. Michael’s sisters have made a name for themselves as The Braxtons. Michael’s sister, Toni Braxton is the most successful of the bunch with a long solo career before she joined the family band. In 2015, all members of The Braxtons including Towanda, Toni, Trina, Tamar and Traci reunited in October and released Braxton Family Christmas, which was a holiday album.

Toni Braxton had to deal with an odd hoax when her supposed death hit the airwaves and spread quickly among her fans globally. This news took most by surprise. However, it was confirmed that the news was just a hoax in a wave of fake news and false celebrity death reports.

Toni is actually alive and kicking, but the news of her fake death actually went around. A Facebook page titled “R.I.P. Toni Braxton” was opened to send sympathy and condolences to the family for Toni’s alleged demise. The page had garnered numerous followers not to mention the nearly one million ‘likes’ from fans that believed the hoax. Although most of Toni’s fans believed the post, there were some skeptical fans that raised suspicion, especially with the prevalence of fake death reports across the entertainment industry. The Braxton family were happy to put to rest the rumors and get on with their lives.

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Quick Facts
Net Worth 2021: 6 million
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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