Don Alhart

Don Alhart bio

Don Alhart was born on May 15, 1944. While in college at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, Don was a news reporter and D.J. for WTKO Radio. He also worked as a summer relief engineer and intern. He graduated in 1966 and immediately took a full time position at WOKR-TV. His start date was June 6, 1966 (6/6/66). WOKR-TV was the predecessor of WHAM, where Don is currently the Associate News Director. WHAM-TV is a Channel 13, ABC Affiliate. Don also occasionally appears on FOX Rochester.

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Don Alhart career and early life

He is the five-time winner of the Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Newscast in the nation. Other notable winners of the award have been Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Ted Koppel, Keith Olbermann, Bryant Gumbel, Brian Williams, Michael Moss, Serena Altschul, and Richard Engel.

He has also been awarded the 60th Annual Rochester Rotary Award which is presented annually to a citizen who has made a significant contribution to the business, professional, cultural, or civic life of the community. He is involved with numerous charitable organizations within his community and has been an active member of the Rochester Rotary Club for 33 years and was president from 1987-1988. 

He was inducted into the New York State Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame in 2010.

Don currently holds the Guinness World Record for Longest Career as a Television News Broadcaster which was verified on December 2, 2016. He was awarded the award with 51 years of service. What is exceptionally unique about his tenure is that the entire duration has been spent with the same news station which is a rarity in the business. The award was previously held by a Houstan, Texas news anchor named Dave Ward with 49 years and 218 on the air. Dave willingly retired after an open-heart surgery.

Don Alhart family, married, divorced

Don and his wife, Mary, have three children: Todd, Jennifer, and Jonathon. Don's youngest son, Jon, graduated from his father's alma mater in 2001 and temporarily worked in broadcasting before pursuing an advertising career with Dixon Schawbl Advertising. Together Don and Mary hosted "Weekend with the Stars for Cerebal Palsy" on WOKR-TV annually from 1980 to 1990. The New York State United Cerebral Palsy Association awarded Don with a Community Service Award in 1986 for the broadcast. 

In early 2018, Don and Mary moved from their previous family homestead of 24 years in Penfield and downsized into a home that they designed themselves. They temporarily lived at the Marriott Residence Inn until the construction was completed.

Their new home is located in Greenpoint Trail within Pittsford. The couple said they had witnessed friends losing a spouse and the difficulties that ensued trying to move, so they vowed to move together while they were both still healthy. The basement of the house is fitted with a recording studio for Don, as well as room for the children and grandchildren when they visit.

Don's Twitter account, @DonAlhart, has 10.7k followers. 

Quick Facts
Birth Date: 15 May, 1944
Age: 75 yrs
Occupations: Journalist
Citizenship: United States of America
Birth Place: Rochester
Education: Ithaca College
Gender: Male
Description: American news anchor and Associate News Director
Net Worth 2021: 9 million
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Last Modified: Jun 27 2020
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